Stundum er fyndið að vera á e-mail lista hjá stóru fyrirtæki. Maður fær stundum allskyns snilldarpósta. T.d. er stundum verið að bjóða manni að leigja þyrlur eða önnur loftför... og svo koma svona póstar einsog þessi frá hinum dularfulla Mike Hammer :
Execuse me to bother you.
We own Japan, Germany, the United States...The company mobile product.
The specialized product include: Motorcycles ,Vapor boat ,Snowmobile ,Cross-country
They are new, first, original package.
Here,You can less salary acquire you to want thing.
If you want to acquire them,
Please contact us.
If bothered you, please forgive.
Good luck"
....ég las þetta með Borat-hreim, það virkar mjög vel.
Góða helgi,
Execuse me to bother you.
We own Japan, Germany, the United States...The company mobile product.
The specialized product include: Motorcycles ,Vapor boat ,Snowmobile ,Cross-country
They are new, first, original package.
Here,You can less salary acquire you to want thing.
If you want to acquire them,
Please contact us.
If bothered you, please forgive.
Good luck"
....ég las þetta með Borat-hreim, það virkar mjög vel.
Góða helgi,